

To register you can fill in this online form. You will receive a final confirmation from us by e-mail. You can also download THIS registration form. You can fill it in, scan it and send it to us via e-mail.

Online registration form

* The MIF organisation expects the exhibitor(s) to be present during all days of the MIF Paper Money Fair, to guarantee the quality standards of the MIF. In that case, the same table will be appointed to the exhibitor(s) for the next MIF Fair.

For the allowed number of exhibitor passes, a booking for the first table entitles the exhibitor for two passes. For every additional table, one extra pass will be submitted. Extra required passes can be requested through the online form.

    [group dealer]


    Stands & Options

    all prices are excluded VAT

    Choose your option



    size 220cm x 70cm / including table cover + chairs + backup-table


    Wall Table
    size 220cm x 70cm / including table cover + chairs + backup-table

    € 490,-

    Table only available together with a table/walltable
    size 220cm x 50cm / including table cover to enlarge your sales table

    € 125,-

    Table cover
    color black, extra cover for all days

    € 30,-

    Table Showcase
    size 90cm x 70cm

    € 65,-

    Dealer pass
    for all days including the (Pre Show)

    € 110,-

    Cabinet 2 doors
    lockable with 4 shelves (180 x 80 x 38cm)

    € 175,-

    Cabinet 2 doors
    lockable with 2 shelves (100 x 80 x 38cm) for on top of all backup tables

    € 125,-

    Power connection 220V
    adapter may not be shared due to legislation

    € 95,-

    [group total]

    Total cost indication:
    This is a mere indication, we will send the final cost overview to you by e-mail


    [group nototalcost]
    Please choose in the above options at least one table and the other items you need during the Fair